Frequently asked questions

TidyClinic FAQs

How do I add more users to my TidyClinic account?

If you want to add more users to your TidyClinic account, you can do so by viewing this guide.

How do I connect TidyClinic to Xero?

For more information on how connect your Xero account to TidyClinic, read here.

Does TidyClinic integrate with Xero?

Yes, TidyClinic does integrate with Xero.

It sends your invoices, currencies and payments received information directly from TidyClinic into Xero.

How can I skip the step of approving invoices?

In the settings under Customer Invoicing you can tick the settings to automatically approve invoices that are submitted as well as the same for credit notes.

Can TidyClinic send appointment reminders to our patients?

Yes you can set this up in the settings under Patient Appointments and you can customise how early the reminder will be sent before the start of their appointment.

It will send an sms to the patient as well as an email reminder where they can confirm their appointment as well.

How do I record a prepayment for a patient?

When on a patient’s page you can record prepayments otherwise known as a Credit Payment

This functionality is on the Outstanding Invoices and Invoices section of the patient’s page. Click on the Credit Payment button and it’ll open a modal for you to record the details of the payment and save.

How do I undo a procedure that was accidentally charged out to a patient?

If the invoice for the procedure is still a Draft or Submitted status, the invoice can be deleted or rejected and then deleted.

If the invoice is Approved and there are no payments made towards it then the invoice can be voided and it will be removed from the patient’s invoices and ledger.

If the invoice already has payments made towards it, then you need to create a credit note for the procedure(s) that need to be removed. See further guide on credit notes for more detail.

Can I organise the procedures/services that I provide to patients?

Yes, currently our system for ordering procedures is they are sorted by financial provider e.g. Private, Southern Cross. Then under each payment provider you can make categories to further sort the procedures under a payment provider.

How do I make a treatment plan for a patient?

You can create a treatment plan from the Treatment Plans section on the patient page as well as on the treatment plan section on the patient’s EMR if they don’t have an active treatment plan currently.

How do I add admin related notes for a patient?

You can add admin notes on the Reception Overview of the patient page.

Each tab apart from the All tab is configurable through the settings under Admin Note Categories. You can add as many categories as you would like and choose a colour and name for each and they will show up as a tab in the admin notes section shown above.

How do I add a note to an appointment?

When creating an appointment you can add a note for it in the notes section.

You can also edit the note after the appointment has been made by going to the appointment side panel and clicking on the edit appointment button to open up the edit appointment modal.

How do I record a payment received for a patient?

You can record payments for charged-out procedures in the Outstanding Invoices section of the patient page.

Select one or more of the invoices on the left side and make sure all payment details are correct. Then press the green Payment button. Only approved invoices will show up on the Outstanding Invoices page.