How to view a project

This module explains how to view all the details of a project, and takes you through the details of each section.

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Step 1.

Go to Projects under Projects to view, edit, clone or delete a project. If you want to see a filtered view, click the Settings icon or Advanced icon and customise your filter.

Step 2.

Time Budget, displayed as TB, shows you the project completion in regards of time.

Hover your mouse over to show project description.

Click to view the project.

Click to edit the project.

Click to clone the project.

Click to delete the project.

Step 3.

Projects have six possible statuses.

  • When Time is written to a project that is Not Started, it is automatically moved to In Progress.
  • Users cannot write Time, Materials or Expenses to On hold and Proposal projects.
  • When a Fixed Price project is moved to Completed status, the final invoice is raised for this project, rolling up all the outstanding amounts.
  • Moving a Project to Closed status will mean that users are unable to write time, materials and expenses against the project, raise invoices, POs, etc. The details will not show in many reports.

Step 4.

You can change the status by clicking on the status at the top right. Click More details to see the project and financial details. Click Expand all to see the section details of this project.

Click Edit icon to edit this project.

Click Report to generate Project Financial Summary, Project Proposal or Project Cost vs Revenue report.

Click Print icon to print this project console screen.

Step 5.

The Progress section shows the project overall status.

Step 6.

You can see whether a milestone is met or not from Milestones section and add/edit the milestones.

Step 7.

View the task progress and add/edit tasks in Tasks section.

Step 8.

View the subcontracts progress in Subcontracts section.

Step 9.

In Time section, you can view all time entries in this project or select the time writer, date range to create a filtered view.

Click Time Approval to view the Approval screen.

Click Time Entry to view the Time Entry screen.

Click edit icon or Bulk Edit Mode to bulk edit the time entries.

Step 10.

In Material section, you can view all material entries in this project or select a material, date range to create a filtered view.

Click Materials Approval to view the Approval screen.

Click Material Entry to view the Material Entry screen.

Click New Purchase Order to order a material for this project.

Step 11.

Click edit icon to edit the materials.

Check the On-charge box, this material will be charged in this project.

Check the Purchase Order Required box to require a PO.

Check the Estimate box to indicate its an estimated charge.

Step 12.

In Expenses section, you can view all expense entries in this project or select a date range to create a filtered view.

Click Expense Approval to view the Approval screen.

Click Expense Entry to view the Material Entry screen.

Step 13.

In Adjustments section, you can view all the project and time adjustments in this project.

Step 14.

In Team section, you can view all the project members and click Edit Team to edit the roles.

Step 15.

In Notes section, you can view all the notes that are related to this project.

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