Create a Sales Order if you are wanting to enter a sale, but not invoice the customer at this stage. Use this option for indent orders or to just get the sale into the system for further details to be added later. The advanced search button in the Sales screen, allows you to search for the On Order sales.
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Go to Sales and Pricing to create a Sale.
Step 2.
If there is insufficient stock (which shows as red numerals), you can Save as order.
Step 3.
Alternatively, Save and Invoice and if there is insufficient stock to complete the sale, you will be given further options.
This saves the sale as an Order which can be used for indent orders, back orders or as a sales order that may need to be approved or converted to a sale later.
Step 4.
Since there is insufficient stock after Save and Invoice has been selected, another screen will appear:
Step 5.
To see whether the stock has now arrived to fill the orders (whether part or full), use the Advanced search button, choose the status as On Order and select from the drop-down list, the stock availability and select the dates required and any other fields as required. Click Apply button.
This will then just show the orders that can now be converted to sales invoices, as the stock has been receipted in. Alternatively, you can also go to reporting, and choose the SA03 report which shows stock which is currently On Order and can also be optionally filtered.
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