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TidyEnterprise Guides

Set up actions on behalf of users

When using Tidy Enterprise, it is sometimes useful to assume the identity of another Team Member. It can be useful if you wish to see what Tidy Enterprise looks like to that user, or you wish to perform an activity on their behalf.

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Step 1.

Head to the Users page under Global settings and click on Edit user.

Step 2.

Then, navigate to the Actions on behalf tab. Within this screen, you will see a list of users you can choose to act on behalf of.

Click the Tick box on the left-hand side, selects the user and click Save.

Step 3.

You can now switch between the users you have chosen.

To do this, click on the switch icon between your username and the log out button.

Step 4.

A drop-down menu will appear giving you the option to decide what user you want to impersonate. In this case, I have selected Dion.

Then, click on the Switch button.

Step 5.

You can now act on behalf of Dion.

Once you are acting on behalf of another user, you can easily switch back using the Switch Back to Me button indicated below.

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