Company settings are general settings that will affect what you see in your TidyStock account. In this module, learn how to set up your organisation settings, understand the sales and purchases settings, and learn about automatic numbering.
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Head to Company under Global Settings.
In the General tab, you can view and modify your company name, the date format, and your base time zone.
Step 2
Below this, you can adjust the Canvas Width. This changes your view on screen in TidyStock. “Large” displays a wider screen view, while “Normal” is more condensed.
If you have a “Large” canvas width, the Customer Reference column will appear on your Sale Orders list.
Step 3
You can also add a company logo.
Click Choose File to upload an image from your computer. The logo will appear in the top right corner across your TidyStock account.
Step 4
The next tab under your company settings is Sales & Purchases.
Here, you can select a default sales tax rate and add your company tax number.
Also enter your company address.
Step 5
Set a default due date for invoice payments here.
You can elect to make them due on a certain date of the following month, or you can choose to make them due a certain number of days after the invoice date.
Step 6
If Set Sale Date to Current Date is enabled, the sale date will automatically be updated to the current date when you open a previously saved sales order or credit note.
Step 7
You can opt to ignore stock levels on unmanaged items. When this is enabled, sales can be made for unmanaged items even if there is insufficient stock, at the sale location.
Step 8
You can enter your invoice payment terms and choose whether to include delivery addresses in sale invoices.
If you select this, the delivery address will appear as a line item on the sale invoice. This may be useful if the customer’s billing address is different from their delivery address.
Step 9
Purchase order settings can be found here.
Access relates to purchase permissions. If enabled, Purchasers can create draft purchase orders, but only Purchase Approvers can approve and send them.
Step 10
There are two batch settings. Batch Assignment on PO Receipt means that you must assign material items to a batch number, when purchase orders are received.
Show Batches with No Stock by Default means that batches with no items in stock will be displayed automatically.
Step 11
If catalogue price is enabled, it will be used as the default purchase price for items, it is set up for.
Step 12
The reorder multiplier determines when items appear on the Stock Level Warnings screen.
Step 13
Under Default Order Line Style, you can choose to have the Material Item Code and/or Reference appear as line items on a purchase order.
This may be helpful if you have supplier codes that are different from your internal codes.
You can put the supplier code in the reference, so it is visible to the supplier on the purchase order.
Step 14
Next, enter your billing address and delivery address. You can add a footnote to appear after the order details too.
You can also choose to apply landing costs as a separate line item, on the invoice, rather than spreading them across items.
Step 15
The Advanced tab is home to your automatic numbering. When you create sales, purchases, assemblies, items, and transfers, they are automatically numbered.
The numbers on this screen are the numbers or codes for the next transactions.
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