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TidyWork Guides

Set up your material items

This is where you can add material items. Materials are essentially your stock.

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Step 1.

Go to Materials under Global settings. Click New material category in the Material categories tab.

Step 2.

Define the material categories. The category marked as default will be used when materials are created ‘on-the-fly’, unless specifically changed.

Step 3.

Each category may be mapped to a separate sale, direct cost (COGS) or expense and current asset account in the accounting system. If there is no selection, the company default account mapping will be used.

Step 4.

Go to Materials under Global settings. Click New material item in the material items tab.

Step 5.

A box will appear. Fill in the relevant fields. The following information can be edited:

Once completed, click save. You will now be able to see your materials in the material items list.

Step 6.

To edit a material, click on the edit icon.

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