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TidyWork Guides

Set up your company settings

The company tab allows you to fill out all necessary information about your company, including employment contracts, sales and purchases, quotes/ proposals, etc.

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Step 1.

Head to Company under Global settings. Here you can add and edit your Company defaults. These settings provide general company wide information for use in other areas of application.

Step 2.

In the General tab you can enter your company name, date format, base time zone, standard daily hours, etc. You can also upload a company logo that will be displayed in the ribbon of Tidy Work for your company and on reports. Click save after completing the fields.

Step 3.

In the Employment tab you can set employment contract details which apply by default across the company. These details will automatically be filled in the employment contract of new users.

Step 4.

To allow users to assign themselves to projects, check allow all users to assign themselves to projects or alternatively leave it unselected so project managers must explicitly assign all users to projects.

Allow self estimates controls whether or not users own estimates will appear on their My console screen and whether the time/ task entries on the project edit screen will be annotated with these estimates.

Step 5.

Once you have connected to your payroll solution, you can enter the fields as required. Once completed click save.

Step 6.

The Sales and Purchases tab allows you to define a default value for the staff charge rate (this can be changed for each staff member).

Step 7.

There are settings for the information displayed on invoices and purchase orders. This includes the invoice payment terms, which can be set to +20 days, or the 20th of the following month.

Step 8.

You can set the default line style for purchase orders. The basic style is the material item name. Use the material item reference if you have long supplier codes or unusual codes.

Step 9.

If you enable Require assignment, it means a purchase order has to be assigned to a project.

Step 10.

You can add multiple Delivery addresses by clicking the delivery address drop down box and enter the address details.

Step 11.

To make landing costs a separate item on invoices, instead of spreading them over the purchased items, check the Apply landing costs as a separate invoice item. Click save when completed.

Step 12.

In Tidy work a quote is equivalent to a proposal. In the quote/ proposals tab you can customise your terms.

Step 13.

The Document management setup tab allows you to connect to Dropbox. Click the connect button and sign in to your Dropbox account.

Step 14.

In the Advanced tab you can set up automatic numbering for different fields. The project code, purchase order no., material item code, and quote code, are mandatory fields.

Step 15.

These codes will be used as automatic numbering when you don’t have specific numbers for projects.

The first number in project code is used as an alphabetic prefix.

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