How to receive a purchase order

In this module, learn how to receive items on a purchase order when stock has arrived. Once the items have been received, a bill payable is created in your connected Xero account.

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Step 1

Go to Purchase Orders under the Sales & Purchases tab.

Find your order and click on the orange truck icon next to it.

Step 2

This brings you to the Receive Order page.

Choose the invoice status, the invoice number, and dates. This information will flow through to the bill created in Xero.

Step 3

Also add any supplier-added landing costs such as freight.

To include third-party landing costs (e.g. custom fees), see our guide on service expenses.

Step 4

Under the Received Materials section, you can change the stock levels received and/or the unit cost if these are different from what you ordered.

Step 5

Under Related Project Materials, you can adjust the cost and charge of these items in relation to specific projects.

Then click Proceed.

Step 6

Finally, confirm the stock level changes based on the purchase order you’ve just received in, and you’re done!

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