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TidyEnterprise Guides

How to use barcodes

Some Material items may require barcodes. Use this guide to learn how to add a barcode, search for a barcode, and add items to sales using a barcode.

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Step 1.

Go to Materials under Global settings. Click New material item.

Scan the barcode of the associated item into the barcode section, which will populate the date, then click Save.

The item will then appear in the material list.

Step 2.

Go to Materials under Global settings. Click Advanced next to the search bar.

Step 3.

Scan your barcodes into the barcode section of the advanced search.

The item with the corresponding barcode will appear in the results.

Step 4.

In the New Sale screen, click on the item field for the sale. Scan the barcode in the search panel to present the corresponding material item.

Step 5.

In the Projects and Quotes screen, you can also add items using a barcode in the Material Plan.

Example in Projects:

Example in Quotes:

Step 6.

In the Time, Materials & Expenses tab, you can add a material you have used on a project in the material entry screenusing the barcode of the item.

Example in Material entry:

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