How to use catalogue pricing

The Catalogue Price feature allows you to enter a price from your supplier that will be used when creating a Purchase Order.

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Step 1.

Head to Materials under Global Settings.

Step 2.

You can edit Catalogue price in the Materials list.

Step 3.

Or edit using the Materials Bulk Data Import/Export csv file (when Catalogue Price is enabled, columns for Catalogue Price Currency and Catalogue Price are visible). Download the Template CSV file, you will see two columns named Catalogue and Catalogue Price.

Step 4.

If you wish to use the Catalogue Price feature, go to GLOBAL SETTINGS > Company > Sales & Purchases. Under Purchase Orders, tick Enable Catalogue Price.

Step 5.

Managed Materials

Catalogue Price- When adding an item to a Purchase Order, the Catalogue Price is used as the first option for the Unit Cost. If you do not enter a price in the Catalogue Price field, the Purchase Order price will default to the Last Purchase Price, or if the item has not been purchased previously, the Materials Unit Cost will be used.

Last Purchase Price- This field is not editable. It is populated from the Cost/Unit price when receiving a Purchase Order. It will be used when creating a Purchase Order if the Catalogue Price is not entered. Please note Landing Costs are not included.

Unit Price- This field is only editable on initial setup. Once setup is complete, the Unit Price is calculated from Purchases, Sales or Adjustments using the perpetual average inventory accounting method. Landing costs are included. Unit price is used in margin calculations.

Step 6.

Unmanaged Materials

Catalogue Price- Same as for Managed Materials.

Last Purchase Price- Same as for Managed Materials.

Unit Price- Unit Price can be edited anytime. It can be updated when receiving a Purchase Order by ticking Update?. Landing costs are included. Unit price is used in margin calculations.

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