Sale orders are created when you want to sell stock to a customer. In this module, learn how to create a new sales order and what different sales order statuses mean.
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Head to the Sales & Purchases tab and click on New Sale.
Step 2
First, select the customer that you are selling stock to. You can either type their name or use the search icon to find them.
Step 3
Below, you can see that the delivery address has been automatically filled in.
This was entered into the customer information when we set up the customer earlier.
Step 4
Select a customer contact for this sales order over here.
Step 5
Click More Settings to expand this section. Here, you can choose the currency you’re selling in and the pricing level.
Step 6
Select the invoice template under Branding, as well as the packing slip and sales quote templates. If you haven’t already, setup these templates by following the Document Setup modules.
Step 7
To add an item to this order, type in the item code or item name, or click the search icon.
Step 8
If you click the search icon, you can narrow down your search by filtering by material category or typing in part of the item’s code or name.
Step 9
Next, enter the quantity needed.
Click New Item to add more line items to the order.
Step 10
After you’ve finished adding material items, save the order. Let’s save it as a draft for now. As a draft, the order can be modified or deleted before being sent to the customer.
Step 11
Now, in Sales, you can see the draft sales order we’ve just created.
Click on the orange pen icon to make any edits.
Step 12
Let’s now save this order as a quote.
Step 13
In your Sales list, these icons have now appeared by the order. You can download a copy of the sales quote or email it to the customer.
Step 14
Once the customer accepts the quote, we can change the sales order status. You can Save as Order or Save and Invoice.
Save as Order might be used for backorders or sales that need to be approved or converted at a later date.
Save and Invoice commits the sale and sends an invoice through to Xero.
Step 15
Once the sale has been invoiced, stock levels are reduced for the material items. A stock adjustment journal will also be sent to Xero for the Managed items on the sale.
See the module on Invoicing without Dispatching Stock to see how you can invoice without changing stock levels immediately.
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