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TidyStock Guides

How to do a bulk import of materials

Previously, we learnt how to add material items to your account manually. However, this can be very time consuming if you have a lot of stock and data to enter. In this module, learn how to import materials to your Tidy account in bulk.

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Step 1

Head to Import/Export under Global Settings. Here, the six tabs show data areas that you can import and export in bulk.

Go to the materials tab to do a bulk import of material items.

Step 2

Download the empty template by clicking Template CSV File. Open this file on your device to edit it.

Step 3

The headers along the top row relate to material item fields in TidyStock. See the module Set up your material items to learn more about these fields.

Some of these are mandatory fields, (indicated by "reqd" after the header title). An error will appear in TidyStock if you do not fill these mandatory fields.

Step 4

Your Codes can comprise of numbers, uppercase letters, hyphens, and/or dashes, up to 25 characters long.

Step 5

Enter the name of your stock item under the Material Name column.

This is a required field.

Step 6

Under Material Category, enter the category that this item falls under. It must be a category that you have already set up in Tidy.

This is a required field.

Step 7

You can put in a Suggested Supplier. This must be a supplier that you have already set up in TidyStock beforehand.

Step 8

Next, enter the Usage Unit and Pricing Unit of the item. The unit options are: ITEM, m, cm, mm, m2, cm2, mm2, m3, cm3, mm3.

These are required fields.

Step 9

Add the Cost Currency and Charge Currency. The cost currency is the currency that you buy from suppliers in and the charge currency is what you sell to customers in.

Use the ISO code of a currency that you have already set up in Tidy beforehand.

These are required fields.

Step 10

Enter your Unit Cost and Charge Price.

The Unit Cost is the price you pay suppliers, while the Charge price is what you charge to your customers.

These are required fields.

Step 11

Under Managed, you can choose whether to make this a managed or unmanaged material item.

Type Y to make it a managed item, or N to make it unmanaged. This is a required field.

Step 12

You can also add the current Stock Level.

Step 13

You can put in a Location. This must be a location that you have already set up in TidyStock beforehand. This is a required field.

Step 14

Add the Catalogue Price Currency. This is the currency that will be used if Catalogue Pricing is enabled. This is optional.

Step 15

Once you have filled out the required fields and any optional fields for all items, save your spreadsheet document. Then go back to TidyStock.

Step 16

Select Choose file to upload the spreadsheet we’ve just created, then click Import Materials.

Step 17

If we go to our list of materials now, the five new items we’ve imported have appeared.

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