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TidyStock Guides

How to do a bulk import of suppliers

Previously, we learnt how to add suppliers to your account manually. However, this can be very time consuming if you have a lot of data to enter. In this module, learn how to import suppliers to your TidyStock account in bulk.

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Step 1

Head to Import/Export under, Global Settings. Here, six tabs show data areas that you can import and export in bulk.

Go to the suppliers tab, to do a bulk import of suppliers.

Step 2

Download the empty template by clicking, Template CSV File. Open this file on your device to edit it.

Step 3

You can type in your supplier information or paste it in from another source. There are three mandatory fields. These are the Code, Supplier Name, and Country.

Step 4

Your Codes can comprise of numbers, uppercase letters, hyphens, and/or dashes, up to ten characters long.

Step 5

In the Country column, enter the full name of a country, as it appears in TidyStock. Make sure you have set up this country in your account beforehand.

Step 6

You can optionally add a contact first name, last name, phone number, email, and address.

Step 7

Once you have filled out all the required fields and any optional fields, save your spreadsheet document. Then go back to TidyStock.

Step 8

Select Choose file, to upload the spreadsheet you have just created, then click Import Suppliers.

Step 9

If you go to your list of suppliers now, the three new suppliers you have imported should have appeared.

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