When you migrate stock from Xero to Tidy, you no longer need to maintain stock levels in Xero. Tidy tracks and manages inventory and uses Xero for financial accounting but does not integrate its inventory with Xero's inventory.
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When a sale or purchase is created in TidyStock, your Stock on Hand account will be updated in Xero.
To migrate your inventory from Xero, go to the Products and Services section of Xero, export your inventory to a CSV file.
Step 2
In Xero, create a new account called Stock on Hand. This is required when mapping the inventory from your Tidy account to Xero.
In Xero, go to Chart of Accounts under Accounting and click Add Account.
Select Current Asset under Account Type, then give the account the code and name of SOH and Stock on Hand. Click save.
Step 3
Once the export of all your inventory from Xero is complete, you will need to adjust the stock level on each Xero inventory item to 0.
First, go to your Xero Chart of Accounts and create the account Stock Adjustment.
Select Direct Costs under Account Type, then give the account the code and name of SHJ and Stock Adjustment. Click save.
Please note, you must adjust all your inventory in Xero to 0 before importing your materials into Tidy.
Step 4
To reduce your inventory to 0, go to Options under the Xero inventory item and click New Adjustment.
Select Decrease quantity under Adjustment type, and reduce it to 0.
Step 5
Once this has been completed for every item, you're ready to import your materials into TidyStock.
In TidyStock, head to Import/Export under Global Settings and select the Materials tab.
Click Import Materials to import your Xero inventory items into TidyStock.
See How to do a Bulk of Import Materials to ensure the CSV file you import has the correct formatting.
Step 6
Once the material items are successfully imported, all of your inventory in Xero will be located under Stock on Hand with the correct balance.
The balance in the Adjustments account (where you adjusted the inventory to 0 earlier) will be reversed.
Make sure you have mapped the Xero accounts to TidyStock correctly, as on the right.
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