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TidyClinic Guides

How to add and edit an admin note

This guide explains how to add and edit an admin note.

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Step 1.

Go to Search patient.

Select the patient you want to add an admin note to.

Step 2.

You will then be taken to their patient EMR page.

Under the Reception overview tab, click Admin Note.

Step 3.

This will open a pop up box where you can create an admin note.

You can add a category to the note (these were set up in settings).

Click Save once complete.

Step 4.

You can now view the admin note on the patients EMR page under the admin notes section.

The numbers in the header will indicate how many admin notes there are for each category.

You can edit and delete notes for a set amount of hours, set up in settings, after which the buttons will become disabled.

Step 5.

Click the edit icon to edit the note.

This will open a pop up box where you can make any necessary changes.

Click Save once complete.

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