How to double book an appointment

This guide explains two ways to double book appointments, so that you can have multiple appointments booked in your calendar for the same time.

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Option 1

Step 1.

Go to Calendar.

Drag your cursor over an available time on the calendar to create an appointment.

Step 2.

This will open a side panel.

From here, you can choose to schedule an appointment for a patient or create a busy block.

Step 3.

Enter the details of the appointment.

Click Save once complete.

Step 4.

Once the appointment has been created, you will be able to drag it to the desired time.

Step 5.

You will receive a message at the top of the screen confirming the updated time.

Click Yes.

Step 6.

The appointments are now double booked under the same resource.

Option 2

Step 1.

Go to Settings> Calendar> Calendar resources.

Click Add new Calendar resource.

Step 2.

This will open up a pop-up box.

Create an overflow resource for an existing resource.

Example: ‘Main appointments’ is an existing resource, so the new resource is called ‘Double book’.

Then click Save and Create.

Step 3.

Go to Calendar. You will now see the two resources.

Select the overflow resource used to double book, so that it is visible on the calendar.

Step 4.

Drag your cursor over a time on the calendar to create an appointment.

Step 5.

Fill in the details for the appointment in the side bar.

Click Save once complete.

Step 6.

The appointments are now double booked under the two different resources.

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