How to view the hot call list

This guide explains how to view which patients are in the hot call list. This guide does not explain how to create an appointment from the hot call list. The hot call list can be used when a patient would prefer to have an earlier appointment, but there are none available. If an earlier appointment becomes available, you can then go to the hot call list to find a patient who wants an earlier appointment.

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Step 1.

Go to the Calendar.

Click on the hot call list button.

Step 2.

This will open a pop up where you can view all patient appointments in the hot call list.

From here you can edit notes attached to hot calls by clicking the edit icon.

To view a patient’s EMR in a new tab, click the blue icon.

To remove a patient from the hot call list, click the X icon.

Step 3.

This will open a pop up box confirming the removal. Click Yes.

The patient appointment will be removed from the hot call list.

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