How to update an appointment

This guide explains how to update an appointment’s status.

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Step 1.

Go to Calendar.

Step 2.

To update the status of an appointment, right click on the appointment.

Click Attempted confirmation.

Step 3.

An orange circle with a phone icon will appear on the appointment to represent the appointment status.

Step 4.

To confirm an appointment, right click on the appointment.

Click Confirm appointment.

Step 5.

A blue circle with a check mark icon will appear on the appointment to represent the appointment status.

Step 6.

To mark a patient as arrived, right click on the appointment.

Click Mark as arrived.

Step 7.

When you Mark as arrived, a green circle with the time will appear. The time shown is how long the patient has been waiting for.

Step 8.

To mark an appointment as started, right click on the appointment.

Click Start treatment.

Step 9.

When you start treatment, a blue circle will appear.

Step 10.

To mark a treatment as finished, right click on the appointment.

Click Finish treatment.

Step 11.

When you finish treatment, a purple icon will appear with a tick next to it.

Step 12.

To mark an appointment as fulfilled, right click on the appointment.

Click Mark as fulfilled.

Step 13.

When you fulfill an appointment, a green icon will appear with a tick next to it.

Step 14.

When an appointment is fulfilled, you can only revert status updates.

note: you can revert updates whenever an update is made.

Mark as no Show

Step 1.

To mark an appointment as a no show, right click on the appointment.

Click Mark as no show.

Step 2.

If you mark as No show, a greyed out box will cover the appointment and a grey cross will appear next to it.

Step 3.

When an appointment is marked as a no show, you can revert it to confirmed or created.

Step 4.

You can see the status of an appointment in upcoming appointments.

Step 5.

Or under Patient Appointments.

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