How to use the calendar

This guide explains how to search, view, and edit a calendar event in your TidyClinic.

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Step 1.

Go to Calendar.

The red dashed line, you see on the calendar, marks the current time.

Step 2.

You can switch to a weekly view by clicking the calendar icon.

Switch back to a daily view by clicking the icon again.

Step 3.

Click the minus magnifying icon to zoom out on the view of the calendar.

Step 4.

Click the plus magnifying icon to zoom in on the view of the calendar.

Step 5.

Under the actions section, you can create an appointment by clicking the plus icon.

See how to create an appointment for a full guide.

Step 6.

The Download icon allows you to download the calendar day report, available in PDF format.

Step 7.

The report will look something like this:

The report provides a detailed breakdown of all appointments scheduled for the day, listing the specific times for each.

Step 8.

Click the magnifying glass, under the Actions section to see all available times in a selected time frame.

Step 9.

This will open a pop up box where you can select the date, calendar resource and duration.

Click Search.

Step 10.

This will open another pop up box where you can see all available slots fitting the criteria.

Click the binoculars icon on a free slot.

Step 11.

This will take you to the free slot.

Step 12.

To return to ‘today’, click the refresh icon at the top of the page.

Step 13.

To return to the calendar default view, click the refresh icon under the actions section.

Step 14.

To view the hot call list, click the bell icon under the actions section.

Step 15.

This will open a pop up box with a list of all the patient appointments on the hot call list.

Step 16.

To show cancelled appointments on the calendar, tick Show cancelled appointments.

This will show all cancelled appointments on the calendar greyed out.

Step 17.

The Resources to show were setup in the settings under calendar.

Select the ones that you want to show on the calendar. If you have set up any as default, they will show automatically.

The numbers on the left hand side shows which resource is first to show on the calendar.

You can choose which order you want them to be in.

Step 18.

Clicking on an appointment will open a side panel displaying additional information and options for editing.

At the top of the panel you can edit, cancel, view, or create a new appointment.

With the patient’s information, you can edit their details or navigate to their EMR page.

At the bottom of the panel you will be able to see the appointment history.

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